How to take care of the old


This research book looks at the relationships between gerontology and the disciplines of architecture, sociology, and technology. These fields inform the understanding of the fundamental behaviours and needs of the elderly and possible future solutions such as co-design, multigenerational living, and smart homes to guarantee our future generations a healthy and comfortable senior life. AL undertook the primary and secondary research, writing and graphic design of the publication.

Read How to Take Care of the Old here.

How to take care of the old – Book spread with Age-Friendly Cities diagramHow to take care of the old – Book spread with Age-Friendly Cities diagram

How to take care of the old – Book spread showing a brains with and without AlzheimerHow to take care of the old – Book spread showing a brains with and without Alzheimer

How to take care of the old – Book spread representing the world ageing population diagrams between 2015 and 2050How to take care of the old – Book spread representing the world ageing population diagrams between 2015 and 2050

How to take care of the old – Population Pyramids 2005 - 2050 animation (source